The Anderson County Board of Education provides the following for the schools of Anderson County:
Funds to meet the local effort requirements of the EFA since 1978
Funds to fulfill the requirement of EIA mandates of local effort
Distribution of County Equalization Taxes based on student ADM since 1951
Cooperation with Treasurer and Auditor to provide for school funding and the building of budgets
Services from certified personnel to the school districts at a reasonable cost to the taxpayer; ie, administration, attendance, school food service, and mental health counselors
State leadership in computing the index of tax paying ability as pertains to Fee In Lieu of Taxes/multiple county agreements now used throughout the state
The first mental health program from private fund grants from Michelin to become model program
Cooperation with County Council and Treasurer to provide bi-monthly distribution of taxes to the districts
Courier services to save school personnel from having to provide persons to deposit funds received from Treasurer
Information and cooperation with Economic Development to recruit industry – last year Anderson County led the state
Alternative School:
- Established one of the first alternative schools in the state
- Received fee simple title from the US Army for the facility valued at over $1.2 million at a cost of $1
- Additions to the alternative school with no tax increase requested
- Provides accounting, accounts payable, payroll, and insurance services to the alternative school
Continuous auditing to assure that school district fund balances comply with GAAP standards as to funds on hand to meet monthly teacher salaries and other cash flow requirements
Study committees to address the needs of districts with small tax assessments–study committee provided formula for this but was unsuccessful in legislature
Excellent results in budget forecasting for the needs of each district by providing local funds which approximated district request
Attendance and Dropout Prevention Service programs are provided to all Anderson County School Districts along with all legal work dealing with Truancy issues. School Food Service Management Assistance is provided to Districts Two and Three.
Bond debt support and eight per cent limitations and issuance of bonds for all districts
Provided US Justice Department in 1989 with a history of all prior years election results for compliance with legislation creating the nine single member districts as to population census
Creation of the present five districts as they exist today and number of board members and area from each political subdivision
Appointment of District Board of Trustees members to fill open seats until the next general election
Collaboration with Delegation in Property Tax Relief matters through Comptroller General’s office for timely distribution
TAN when requested by any district
Member of the Anderson Chamber of Commerce Education Committee